
Node template 命令行

node-template 4.0.0-dev-5f8949a-aarch64-macos
Substrate DevHub <https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub>
A fresh FRAME-based Substrate node, ready for hacking.

node-template [OPTIONS]
node-template <SUBCOMMAND>

Shortcut for `--name Alice --validator` with session keys for `Alice` added to keystore

Always accept connecting to private IPv4 addresses (as specified in
[RFC1918](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1918)). Enabled by default for chains marked as
"local" in their chain specifications, or when `--dev` is passed

Shortcut for `--name Bob --validator` with session keys for `Bob` added to keystore

--bootnodes <ADDR>...
Specify a list of bootnodes

--chain <CHAIN_SPEC>
Specify the chain specification

Shortcut for `--name Charlie --validator` with session keys for `Charlie` added to

-d, --base-path <PATH>
Specify custom base path

--database <DB>
Select database backend to use [possible values: rocksdb, paritydb, paritydb-
experimental, auto]

Shortcut for `--name Dave --validator` with session keys for `Dave` added to keystore

--db-cache <MiB>
Limit the memory the database cache can use

Enable detailed log output

Specify the development chain

Disable log color output

Enable peer discovery on local networks

Enable feature to dynamically update and reload the log filter

--enable-offchain-indexing <ENABLE_OFFCHAIN_INDEXING>
Enable Offchain Indexing API, which allows block import to write to Offchain DB

Shortcut for `--name Eve --validator` with session keys for `Eve` added to keystore

--execution <STRATEGY>
The execution strategy that should be used by all execution contexts [possible values:
Native, Wasm, Both, NativeElseWasm]

--execution-block-construction <STRATEGY>
The means of execution used when calling into the runtime while constructing blocks
[possible values: Native, Wasm, Both, NativeElseWasm]

--execution-import-block <STRATEGY>
The means of execution used when calling into the runtime for general block import
(including locally authored blocks) [possible values: Native, Wasm, Both,

--execution-offchain-worker <STRATEGY>
The means of execution used when calling into the runtime while using an off-chain
worker [possible values: Native, Wasm, Both, NativeElseWasm]

--execution-other <STRATEGY>
The means of execution used when calling into the runtime while not syncing, importing
or constructing blocks [possible values: Native, Wasm, Both, NativeElseWasm]

--execution-syncing <STRATEGY>
The means of execution used when calling into the runtime for importing blocks as part
of an initial sync [possible values: Native, Wasm, Both, NativeElseWasm]

Shortcut for `--name Ferdie --validator` with session keys for `Ferdie` added to

Enable authoring even when offline

-h, --help
Print help information

--in-peers <COUNT>
Maximum number of inbound full nodes peers [default: 25]

--in-peers-light <COUNT>
Maximum number of inbound light nodes peers [default: 100]

--ipc-path <PATH>
Specify IPC RPC server path

Join the IPFS network and serve transactions over bitswap protocol

Require iterative Kademlia DHT queries to use disjoint paths for increased resiliency in
the presence of potentially adversarial nodes

--keep-blocks <COUNT>
Specify the number of finalized blocks to keep in the database

--keystore-path <PATH>
Specify custom keystore path

--keystore-uri <KEYSTORE_URI>
Specify custom URIs to connect to for keystore-services

-l, --log <LOG_PATTERN>...
Sets a custom logging filter. Syntax is <target>=<level>, e.g. -lsync=debug

Experimental: Run in light client mode

--listen-addr <LISTEN_ADDR>...
Listen on this multiaddress

--max-parallel-downloads <COUNT>
Maximum number of peers from which to ask for the same blocks in parallel [default: 5]

--max-runtime-instances <MAX_RUNTIME_INSTANCES>
The size of the instances cache for each runtime

--name <NAME>
The human-readable name for this node

Disable GRANDPA voter when running in validator mode, otherwise disable the GRANDPA

Disable mDNS discovery

Always forbid connecting to private IPv4 addresses (as specified in
[RFC1918](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1918)), unless the address was passed with
`--reserved-nodes` or `--bootnodes`. Enabled by default for chains marked as "live" in
their chain specifications

Do not expose a Prometheus exporter endpoint

Disable connecting to the Substrate telemetry server

--node-key <KEY>
The secret key to use for libp2p networking

--node-key-file <FILE>
The file from which to read the node's secret key to use for libp2p networking

--node-key-type <TYPE>
The type of secret key to use for libp2p networking [default: Ed25519] [possible values:

--offchain-worker <ENABLED>
Should execute offchain workers on every block [default: WhenValidating] [possible
values: Always, Never, WhenValidating]

Shortcut for `--name One --validator` with session keys for `One` added to keystore

--out-peers <COUNT>
Specify the number of outgoing connections we're trying to maintain [default: 25]

--password <PASSWORD>
Password used by the keystore. This allows appending an extra user-defined secret to the

--password-filename <PATH>
File that contains the password used by the keystore

Use interactive shell for entering the password used by the keystore

--pool-kbytes <COUNT>
Maximum number of kilobytes of all transactions stored in the pool [default: 20480]

--pool-limit <COUNT>
Maximum number of transactions in the transaction pool [default: 8192]

--port <PORT>
Specify p2p protocol TCP port

Expose Prometheus exporter on all interfaces

--prometheus-port <PORT>
Specify Prometheus exporter TCP Port

--pruning <PRUNING_MODE>
Specify the state pruning mode, a number of blocks to keep or 'archive'

--public-addr <PUBLIC_ADDR>...
The public address that other nodes will use to connect to it. This can be used if
there's a proxy in front of this node

--reserved-nodes <ADDR>...
Specify a list of reserved node addresses

Whether to only synchronize the chain with reserved nodes

--rpc-cors <ORIGINS>
Specify browser Origins allowed to access the HTTP & WS RPC servers

Listen to all RPC interfaces

--rpc-max-payload <RPC_MAX_PAYLOAD>
Set the the maximum RPC payload size for both requests and responses (both http and ws),
in megabytes. Default is 15MiB

--rpc-methods <METHOD SET>
RPC methods to expose. [default: Auto] [possible values: Auto, Safe, Unsafe]

--rpc-port <PORT>
Specify HTTP RPC server TCP port

--runtime-cache-size <RUNTIME_CACHE_SIZE>
Maximum number of different runtimes that can be cached [default: 2]

--state-cache-size <Bytes>
Specify the state cache size [default: 67108864]

--sync <SYNC_MODE>
Blockchain syncing mode [default: Full] [possible values: Full, Fast, FastUnsafe, Warp]

--telemetry-url <URL VERBOSITY>
The URL of the telemetry server to connect to

Run a temporary node

--tracing-receiver <RECEIVER>
Receiver to process tracing messages [default: Log] [possible values: Log]

--tracing-targets <TARGETS>
Sets a custom profiling filter. Syntax is the same as for logging: <target>=<level>

Shortcut for `--name Two --validator` with session keys for `Two` added to keystore

Force start with unsafe pruning settings

Listen to all RPC interfaces

Listen to all Websocket interfaces

-V, --version
Print version information

Enable validator mode

--wasm-execution <METHOD>
Method for executing Wasm runtime code [default: Compiled] [possible values:
interpreted-i-know-what-i-do, compiled]

--wasm-runtime-overrides <PATH>
Specify the path where local WASM runtimes are stored

Listen to all Websocket interfaces

--ws-max-connections <COUNT>
Maximum number of WS RPC server connections

--ws-max-out-buffer-capacity <WS_MAX_OUT_BUFFER_CAPACITY>
Set the the maximum WebSocket output buffer size in MiB. Default is 16

--ws-port <PORT>
Specify WebSockets RPC server TCP port

benchmark Benchmark runtime pallets.
build-spec Build a chain specification
check-block Validate blocks
export-blocks Export blocks
export-state Export the state of a given block into a chain spec
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
import-blocks Import blocks
key Key management cli utilities
purge-chain Remove the whole chain
revert Revert the chain to a previous state
try-runtime Try some command against runtime state. Note: `try-runtime` feature must be